Võimlemine+tants kaamerale

See below in English. Sügisel 2020 sai Tallinna Pirita Spordikeskuses hoo sisse uut tüüpi harrastusalastaadionivõimlemine ja -tants KAAMERALE, mille tulemusel valmis film NELIKVÄE MAAGIA
Erinevates staadionikavades esinejad omavahel ei kohtunudki. Staadionile tuldi-mindi eri aegadel. Üritust vaatasid pealt kaks kaamerasilma, üks sumisev droon ja käputäis korraldajaid. Esineti aplausita – tühjale tribüünile. Kohal olid LOODUSE NELI VÄGE
– sügispäike, puhastav meretuul, rannamändide mahe kohin ja pehme rannaliiv /// In autumn 2020,in Pirita Sports Centre a new type of gymnastics was established – “Stadium gymnastics and dance for CAMERA” By the result of co-operation of film-makers and performers the film FOUR MAGIC ELEMENTS was created. Participants from different stadium programs didn´t meet each other. They arrived and left the stadium at different times. Two film-makers and one editor became as a shared link for them. There was no audience, no applause. But four elements of nature were present – see breeze, autumn sun, smell of the sea and soft sand.

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